Sep 27, 2024

How useful it is to Share User-Generated Content on Social Media to Promote Your Brand

user generated content

This social technique of allowing people to create content about a brand has been an agent of change in brand communication that directly liberates the audience with products. It has been considered one of the most effective social media marketing services created by customers or users like posts, photos, reviews and videos featuring and discussing your brand. Authenticity is crucial for branding and the most powerful tool to gain trust is to use UGC which is unfiltered, authentic and resonates with potential customers. That is the true face of your brand and it also demonstrates how your offering can be applied in the real world. 

The blog looks into how UGC marketing through social media can be useful and how it can improve your brand. 

Understanding UGC Marketing Through Social Media

Customers who willingly create and share material on social media are sharing user-generated content. This can include blogs, reviews, and posts on social media. Since customers rather than brands provide user-generated content (UGC), it is real and stands out from traditional marketing. This material is more reliable since it is produced and shared by individuals who are not obligated to advertise the company.

Most consumers trust and rely on testimonials and reviews while deciding to purchase a product or service. 85% of consumers trust brands that show UGC, and only about 12% trust content produced by influencers. 

Types of User-Generated Content 

There are many types of User Generated content, some of the commonly used types are: 

  • Social Media Posts: Sharing posts on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, etc, by customers about the products or services they purchased which include hashtags or mention about the brand will help with brand awareness and reach. 
  • Product Page: Some brands have the option to share their product reviews, photos and videos on their product page. This gives more authenticity to the product and services giving buyers on how the product performs or looks in real-life settings. 
  • Reviews: The option to review on platforms like Google, Amazon, etc helps build trust and serves as a social proof. 
  • Blog Posts: Some consumers might post detailed posts about the products or services purchased, discussing their experience. This form of long reviews is really useful in effective social media marketing services
  • Videos: The most engaging UGC is in the form of product unboxing and tutorial videos.

Also read more on Unique way to effective communicate your brand on social media

How to Create UGC

Encouraging customers to share content about their experience can be done by introducing contests or asking for feedback, some strategies to share user-generated content on social media include, 

  • Creating hashtags for Brands 

    Creating hashtags for brands, encourages users to post content about our product or services using the hashtag, which makes it easier for companies or businesses to find and share the posts. Starbucks and other brands use this as an effective strategy that encourages customers to engage. 

  • UGC Contests 

    Contests that give out rewards for users are an effective way for UGC marketing through social media. For example, one of the best Social Media agencies in Dubai, Moonbox, created a contest called “Win AED 200 Gift Voucher by creating Posters and Doodles, and this resulted in an increase in followers and post engagement. Here are the results from the contest that was done.

user-generated content

  • Request Reviews 

    Request customers to leave reviews after the purchase and follow up with an email with offers and discounts for sharing their experience and review. 

  • Collaborate with Influencers or Customers 

    Even though partnering with influences is not considered UGC, collaborating with customers can be an effective social media marketing strategy. Posting customer-created posts online might be beneficial for your business. 

  • Using UGC in Campaigns 

    Using customers’ content about your product or services will increase loyalty. But always ask permission before reposting content to avoid any legal complications. 

How Relevant It Is to Share User-Generated Content on Social Media?

UGC is relevant in contemporary marketing as it brings up a community around your brand. With customers’ trust, other potential customers will be influenced by genuine reviews and posts about the products and services they are using, which will increase brand loyalty. This will eventually lead to increased engagement. By UGC marketing your brand transforms into a community that values customer input which humanizes your brand. It can also be an effective social media marketing service that is cost-effective. Instead of spending on expensive campaigns, you can leverage your customers and reviews to reach potential consumers. 

Best Practices for Sharing UGC

  • Always ask for permission before sharing a customer’s content, it ensures legal protection and also helps goodwill with the creator. 
  • Always give credit to the creator, it is important to acknowledge the customers’ contribution and encourage them and others to create UGC. 
  • Incorporating UGC into Social Media Ads, it helps you to show the connection between you and your customers and also shows how authentic and relatable your product or services are. 
  • Interact with your audience who post material created by others on social media. Respond to their posts and comments and show your appreciation. This will increase the likelihood and they will create more content in future. 
  • Never limit your UGC to social media, use these in your websites, newsletters and offline marketing campaigns for maximum exposure. 

Using user-generated content has become an effective marketing tool and with its authenticity and effectiveness brands’ have been using this method to promote their products and services. By creating and sharing UGC, brands are creating meaningful connections with their customers which eventually lead to increased engagement. 

Moonbox, the best social media marketing agency in Dubai has done many successful contests and UGC marketing campaigns which has brought in many positive results. For more innovative and advanced UGC marketing strategies connect with the Best social media agency in Dubai.

  • What do you refer to as UGC marketing through social media? 

By customers or consumers, UGC is concerned with the things they post about a brand’s product or approach to services like reviews, image sharing, & status updates. These are posted by the customers rather than the brand itself. 

  • Why is UGC relevant for brands? 

UGC can build trust and credibility for your brand as it shows the real experiences of customers. It eventually increases customer loyalty, and engagement and humanizes your brand and it also helps in creating cost-effective marketing content. 

  • How can brands encourage and share user-generated content on social media?

By conducting contests, coming up with custom hashtags, requesting reviews, and sharing user content on all of their platforms, brands can promote user-generated content (UGC).

  • Is it important to ask customers’ permission before sharing UGC?

To protect legal issues and show respect for content creators, permission must be obtained before sharing or reposting user-generated content (UGC). 

  • What are some types of UGC that are effective?

Reviews, videos, social media posts, and blogs are some of the effective ways of UGC which provides effective and authentic marketing through social media
